The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese日语译成English英语 商务/商业(普通) Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
DM (課長) Division/Department Manager
過去の貸し借り leveraging past dealings
選任 appointment
運営受託事業 Management outsourcing operations
Entered by: Shannon Morales
荷扱保管サービス Moving and storage services
落とし込み・導入 introduction and implementation
落とし込む to integrate
非課税調整 Adjustment to non-taxable income
面と面での関係性 Synergistic facets of relationships
領収書 Formal receipt
行政上登録例 (Business) Licenses
Entered by: Shannon Morales
被選任者は就任を承諾した The nominee accepted the asignment to the post.
製品構成 product configuration, product structure, product formation
西高東低 higher in the west, lower in the east
設計とデザイン Technical design vs. aesthetic design
Entered by: casey
計上 Recognize
The description, the particulars, the list or the details
Entered by: Nobuo Kawamura
記メ Recording Media
記録会 track and field or swimming meet for the purpose of keeping official records
Entered by: casey
詰める・詰められている Work out (the details)
骨太リーダー robust leader
諭旨退職 Ask for one\'s resignation
議長をして、Person Aより, .....との報告が行われた The Chair had Mr. A report ....
譲受株式数 number of shares acquired
Entered by: David Patrick
財団放棄された relinquished from the bankrupt estate
販売取扱店舗 retail store/retail shop
Entered by: JapanLegal
販社 Reseller or Distributor
貴社ますますご繁栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。 congratulations for the growing success of your company
貿易・産業協力振興財団(ITIC) The Foundation for International Trade and Industrial Co-operation
Entered by: casey
資本を一元化する consolidate capital
車路管制 Vehicle monitoring system
転籍確認書 Employee Transfer Agreement (ETA)
Entered by: casey
黒門 Black Gate
龍生電子 Longsheng Electric/Electronics
追客中   follow-up with prospective customers
需要の先食い pre-consumption of future demand
需要が十分に顕在化していない Demand for X has not sufficiently manifested itself
部下に当たってしまう take frustration out on subordinates
部署単位で時差出勤を認めます permit staggered office hours at the division/department level
都市環境整備関連分野 urban environmental management sector
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