The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese日语译成English英语 电子/电子工程 Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
走査配線 scanning line arrangement
起歪体 Elastic body
薄型部分 Thin part
重畳方式 superimposed method
Entered by: cinefil
量産品 mass-produced products, volume production products //mass (volume) production prototype (量産試作品)
自工程完結 own-process completion 
自己容量ベース・系統ベースのPUの関係 Relationship of parasitic capacitance base/system base PU
自在ブッシング Adjustable bushing
自ノード local node
自動穴あけ機(基板) Automatic Punching Machine
自重落下試験法 free drop test
金型突合せ butting of dies/molds
金短 (short circuit due to) metal contaminants
長手軸線回りの角度 angle of rotation around longitudinal axis
配台 Layout
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
配線の下流に配置されるユニットが運転した際 when the unit situated downstream of the wiring is operated...
酸化カス(はんだ) (oxidized) dross, oxidized scum, solder dross
色差信号 color difference signal
蛍光体焼成工程 phosphor calcination process
電子ボリューム electronic volume control
電圧印加方式 voltage application method
Entered by: cinefil
電線被覆外形 diameter of the wire including insulation
電気半田こて electrical soldering iron
Entered by: cinefil
電気主任技術者 chief electrical engineer/qualified electrical engineer
Entered by: cinefil
電気制御により、磁束を切替える、永久磁石 pemanent magnet with switchable magnetic flux under electric control
電気系保全作業 maintenance operation for the electrical system
Entered by: David Patrick
電気設備の技術基準 electrical equipment technical standards
電気抵抗校正確認基準器 (electrical) resistance standard
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
電気気泡発生器 electric bubble generator
電池のプラス, マイナスは正しくセットしてください。 Please check if the battery is inserted correctly
電池内売り機能の事業部移管 Change Management (of jurisdictions) from the inner sales departement for batteries
電源に重畳したノイズ noise superimposed on the power source
電源系 Power supply system
電源配線の逆相・欠相 reverse phase and/or open phase of/for mains wiring
電源200Vを制御回路に投入しないこと Do not connect 200V power source to the control circuit
電源投入シーケンス power on sequence
蛇行を生じ lateral web movements
通知されるようシーケ ンスを修正 3d drawing modifies the sequence so as to be notified of requirements (sent) from the application
通線工具 Wire Puller / Wire Pusher
通電試験 power-on test
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