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Nov 10, 2006 05:57
18 yrs ago
English英语 term


English英语译成Chinese汉语 技术/工程设计 IT(信息技术)
For the techies among you, the load balancing rules on our Cisco CSS11501 content switch sometimes caused the client browser to prematurely end the browser session and either give a 'connection reset' error or just lag out completely.
×××,Cisco CSS11501内容交换负载平衡有时会引起客户端浏览器过早结束浏览器会话,出现“连接重置”错误或彻底×××
请问“For the techies among you”是什么意思?lag out用哪个词比较妥当?谢谢!(请允许我同时问两个问题,谢谢。)

As you may now, we relaunched a few days ago. We held off from announcing this widely because we had a technical problem that meant that some users were getting a slow experience – very frustrating after we’ve spent months developing the new site.

Well anyway, we’ve now fixed it and the site is working at full speed as intended.

For the techies among you, the load balancing rules on our Cisco CSS11501 content switch sometimes caused the client browser to prematurely end the browser session and either give a 'connection reset' error or just lag out completely.
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
5 +3 技术人员


Xu Dongjun (asker) Nov 13, 2006:
谢谢 我已经跟客户说了 谢谢^_^
clearwater Nov 11, 2006:
Cisco CSS11501 明明是一种内容交换机,怎么成了抽象得摸不着边儿的“内容交换”?建议你跟客户坚持一下。相信我:)
Xu Dongjun (asker) Nov 11, 2006:
谢谢各位! 昨天晚些时候跟客户确认了一下,“For the techies among you”是指“你们中间的一些电脑发烧友(爱好者)可能会对此感兴趣”,“lag out”没有打错,它的意思就是“connection terminated, 连接中断”;另外,content switch 内容交换 是对的。
billychang Nov 10, 2006:
Agree with clearwater.
clearwater Nov 10, 2006:
switch :交换机,它是具体名词,不应该翻成抽象名词。
billychang Nov 10, 2006:
I believe "lag out" is typo for "log out"

Proposed translations



techies is a slang for "technically savvy person". As noted "lag out" is typo for "log out"
Peer comment(s):

agree Ray Luo :
agree Xiangdong Zhuo : "lag out" might means "停滞"
thanks. "lag out" might be what you mean. haven't seen it used in this context in IT.
agree Bin Zhao
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