Mentor English-French

需求 - 传帮带辅导
发自: Maryse Delorme (X)
张贴于:Apr 6, 2018
说明:Dear Mentor,
My name is Maryse, I am a French licensed teacher, with a rich and diverse background. I have a strong French Grammar-Syntax knowledge and reached an Advanced level in English. Newly relocated to the US, I am at the dawn of a work reorientation towards translating. I understand that being a professional translator is more than being able to flawlessly render content from source to target. This is why I have reached out today, looking to partner with an experienced translator. With the support of a mentor, I would like to further my experience, learn the “tricks of the trade” and undertake supervised projects to help me continue develop my skills. In exchange, I will be working relentlessly at learning the trade and contributing by producing quality work.
Talk to you soon

对该需求进行讨论Maryse Delorme (X)
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