moderator program


  • 1 - ProZ.com版主是做什么的?




  • 2 - 如何选择版主?




  • 3 - I would like to volunteer to serve a term as a moderator, what should I do?

    Volunteers to serve as a moderator can use the application system found on the moderator overview pages.

    Volunteers are always welcome, but note that the criteria for moderators are such that not everyone can become one. Some of the criteria for moderator candidates include experience on the site, in the community and the industry, membership level, citizenship, activity level, and openings available for moderation.

  • 4 - 如果我要投诉网站版主或工作人员的执法或其他行为,我需要在哪里提交意见。

    如果您对网站版主或工作人员的执法或其他行为有问题、投诉或疑问,请通过技术支持系统联系网站工作人员。如果您需要我们澄清 网站规则和规则执行,也应当使用这一渠道,而不是在论坛中发帖。

  • 5 - How knowledgeable do moderators have to be of the language (pair) they moderate?

    Site moderators are not required to have a specific level of knowledge in a given language to moderate in areas in which such language is used. Site moderators are appointed to greet and guide new participants to the forums and KudoZ, and help them to properly use and benefit from what is available to them at Also, in conjunction with other moderators and site staff members, moderators are expected to help to maintain a constructive environment by carrying out enforcement of the site's rules in a consistent and structured manner. As long as the moderator can carry out with these two tasks, no specific level of language knowledge is required.

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