Powwow Report for 英国 - London (Sep 12 2005)

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Report from  Puicz (X)
On Monday 12 September six Proz members, including Oliver Walter, Jorge Freire, Judy Kerry, Hazel Whiteley, Madelen Neikter and myself (Mike Parsley) met at Italian Kitchen, 43 New Oxford St., London, for what proved to be a very pleasant lunch. The food was excellent, as was the service and the ambience. At the end of the lunch over two hours later, we were all keen to repeat the experience.
Photos were taken. It was suggested that we should take a photo of the empty seats, with a WANTED sign featuring the missing members in front�.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Jorge Freire
Hazel Whiteley
Puicz (X)

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