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Thank You ALL from the Bottom of My Heart
论题张贴者: Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:42
正式会员 (自2003)
+ ...
Jul 25, 2009

Dear translators and friends,

After I became a college professor two years ago, I noticed that I was no longer able to spend more time at the Chinese Forum, even though I have been trying my best to carry out the routine work at the Chinese Forum. In order to do a better job and well support/guide the members and users, I think it is the time for someone else to take over the moderator job in the Chinese Forum. I wrote to Henry, Enrique and Jared today and informed them my resignati
... See more
Dear translators and friends,

After I became a college professor two years ago, I noticed that I was no longer able to spend more time at the Chinese Forum, even though I have been trying my best to carry out the routine work at the Chinese Forum. In order to do a better job and well support/guide the members and users, I think it is the time for someone else to take over the moderator job in the Chinese Forum. I wrote to Henry, Enrique and Jared today and informed them my resignation.

I want to thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart for your support and help in the past years. Your support helped me to carry through the forum moderation duties. It has been a very positive experience for me to work as a moderator in the Chinese Forum in the past seven years. I learned so much from this job while honing my skills as a professional translator. I had many pleasant things to remember. One of the most memorable experiences is to organize and coordinate a team of Chinese translators to localize this site into Chinese.

I will take a three-week vacation to travel in San Francisco, L.A. and Las Vegas with my family starting from July 27, 2009. As a translator, I will be around for sure.

Have a great weekend!

Kevin Yang

[修改时间: 2009-07-25 05:51 GMT]

Shaun Yeo
Shaun Yeo  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:42
+ ...
All the Best! Jul 25, 2009


好久不见,别来无恙?虽然我较少同你交流,而且近来也少在论坛看到你的足迹,但你这些年来的贡献却有目共睹。现在你要离职了,我想表示一下谢意。Thanks for your hard work! 顺祝

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:42
+ ...
Best Wishes Jul 25, 2009


Congratulations on a job extremely well done. As a regular here, I'd like to express my personal gratitude for your commitment and dedication to the successful operation of the Chinese forum over the years. Your hard work and good judgment have served the community immeasurably. The leadership you provided in the localization effort has also resulted in a user-friendly interface that is appreciated by many. No doubt, your successor will have some very big shoes to fill.... See more

Congratulations on a job extremely well done. As a regular here, I'd like to express my personal gratitude for your commitment and dedication to the successful operation of the Chinese forum over the years. Your hard work and good judgment have served the community immeasurably. The leadership you provided in the localization effort has also resulted in a user-friendly interface that is appreciated by many. No doubt, your successor will have some very big shoes to fill.

I'm sure teaching at an accredited language institute and juggling this volunteer moderator's job at the same time was not an easy thing to do - I'm surprised you've actually lasted this long

I definitely wish you the best in your professional career. And like this famous song sung by Billie Holiday says, I also hope to see you around.


I'll Be Seeing You (Stevie Wonder)

I'll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
This heart of mine embraces
All day through

In that small cafe
The park across the way
The children's carousel
The chestnut trees
The wishing well

I'll be seeing you
In every lovely Summer's day
In every thing that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way, and

I'll find you
In the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I will be seeing you

Have a great Summer vacation with your loved ones!

[Edited at 2009-07-25 15:33 GMT]

Jason Young
Jason Young  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:42
+ ...
祝福! Jul 25, 2009

你好 Kevin,



ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:42
+ ...
Best Wishes Jul 25, 2009


获悉你辞职的决定我很遗憾,但很理解你的决定。你所在的学院不同于一般学院。 它有着严格的纪律,不会允许学院的教授在工作时间分心去为其他机构服务。 你已经不再是一个 freelancer,不再象以前那样可以完全自主地掌握自己的时间。 你的业余时间也十分有限。 所以,如果我们再要求你继续担任中文论坛 moderator 的工作,确实是说不过去了。

... See more

获悉你辞职的决定我很遗憾,但很理解你的决定。你所在的学院不同于一般学院。 它有着严格的纪律,不会允许学院的教授在工作时间分心去为其他机构服务。 你已经不再是一个 freelancer,不再象以前那样可以完全自主地掌握自己的时间。 你的业余时间也十分有限。 所以,如果我们再要求你继续担任中文论坛 moderator 的工作,确实是说不过去了。

在过去七年里,你无偿地为大家提供服务,为中文论坛和 Kudoz 的健康发展做出了不懈的努力。 要不是你和 Donglai 以及 Denyce 的严格管理和精心协调,中文论坛和 Kudoz 绝不会是今天这个状态。 你坚持原则,严格执行 ProZ.com 的规则,不怕为此而受到打击和谩骂,充分显示了男子汉大丈夫的胸怀和气魄,令我十分敬佩! 能够象你们三位这样做到这一点的人是不多的。 我完全同意 Steve 的说法:“No doubt, your successor will have some very big shoes to fill.”

你带领 localization team 为 ProZ.com 的 localization 做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 尽管 localization 还存在某些不足之处,尽管某些人还有这样那样的不同看法,但我一直认为其成绩是主要的。

所以,你的辞职可以说是功成身退。我愿趁此机会向你表示最衷心的感谢! 同时也祝愿你在新的教学工作岗位上,充分发挥你的聪明才智和经验,做出杰出贡献。 近两年来,限于 moderator 的身份,你较少参加中文论坛的讨论。以后你就不应该再有什么顾虑了。 希望你常来论坛,与我们分享你在语言教学中的经验和乐趣。


Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:42
正式会员 (自2006)
My deepest thanks to a great moderator and friend! Jul 25, 2009

Dear Kevin,

For a long time I had the pleasure of interacting with you in ProZ.com and I keep many nice memories of issues and problems we faced together. I have learnt a lot from your approach to community issue and from your vision.

Now the time has arrived for you to say good bye to moderatorship. This is not a sad event, as moderators are supposed to give higher priority to family and job and personal life.

I want to say a very big thank you in my name
... See more
Dear Kevin,

For a long time I had the pleasure of interacting with you in ProZ.com and I keep many nice memories of issues and problems we faced together. I have learnt a lot from your approach to community issue and from your vision.

Now the time has arrived for you to say good bye to moderatorship. This is not a sad event, as moderators are supposed to give higher priority to family and job and personal life.

I want to say a very big thank you in my name, and also on behalf of ProZ.com, for all you have done for the site and in particular for its Chinese-speaking sub-community.

I definitely hope to remain in contact with you (even in Chinese, if my slow learning efforts ever take me to the level of conversation in your beautiful language).

Zai jian, wo de peng you!

Xiedong Lei
Xiedong Lei
Local time: 18:42
+ ...
祝 Kevin 先生在美国那边过得快乐幸福! Jul 25, 2009

鲜花、芳草与及泥泞的路——不管我们身处何方,母亲的语言永远是我们延续情感与生命的不可或缺的元素。祝 Kevin 先生在美国那边过得快乐幸福!——人生或许永远不完美,但你的付出永远会让大家铭记!有空常回到新老朋友间坐坐!


[Edited at 2009-07-25 17:03 GMT]

wonita (X)
wonita (X)
Local time: 07:42
Thank you, Kevin Jul 25, 2009

for your dedication as a moderator.

All the best to you and your family.


Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 05:42
Definitely Jul 26, 2009

wherestip wrote:


Congratulations on a job extremely well done. As a regular here, I'd like to express my personal gratitude for your commitment and dedication to the successful operation of the Chinese forum over the years. Your hard work and good judgment have served the community immeasurably. The leadership you provided in the localization effort has also resulted in a user-friendly interface that is appreciated by many. No doubt, your successor will have some very big shoes to fill.

I'm sure teaching at an accredited language institute and juggling this volunteer moderator's job at the same time was not an easy thing to do - I'm surprised you've actually lasted this long

Very well put, wherestip. Kevin's service as a moderator and localizer have been exemplary, to say the least. He never buckled or even complained under what at times must have been an enormous load. Though he is understated, his track record tells a story of a man of remarkable altruism, extraordinary personal capability and uncommon judgment. His impact on the Chinese subcommunity has been huge.

Thank you, Kevin, for what you have accomplished, and for the example you have given to me and others!

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:42
+ ...
谢谢你多年为大家义务服务 Jul 26, 2009



Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:42
+ ...
Thank you Kevin Jul 26, 2009

Thank you for all these years' service at Proz. Thanks for your hard work.

[Edited at 2009-07-26 04:46 GMT]

Alvin Liu
Alvin Liu  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:42
正式会员 (自2007)
+ ...
感谢Kevin Jul 26, 2009


lbone  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:42
+ ...
Thank you, Kevin! Jul 27, 2009

Thank you and best wishes!

Local time: 18:42
+ ...
Good luck Jul 27, 2009


Good luck with the professor life in Monterey!

Xu Dongjun
Xu Dongjun  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:42
正式会员 (自2006)
谢谢! Jul 28, 2009


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Thank You ALL from the Bottom of My Heart

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