Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

Guy Prone to Fighting

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Jul 18, 2006 23:44
18 yrs ago
English英语 term

Guy Prone to Fighting

English英语译成Chinese汉语 其它 俚语 Chinese slang and terminology
Hello. I'm interested in Chinese youth, street and college slang terminology that's used for people. What are Chinese (youth) slang terms (Hakka, Mandarin, Cantonese, etc.) for a "guy prone to fighting"? When you post your responses and peer comments please use Romanized Chinese so I can understand what you are talking about, and please post as many slang terms as possible. Thank you. :D
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
3 +3 haoyongdouhen de jiahuo
5 +1 FYI
4 打手 (dashou)


Wenjer Leuschel (X) Jul 27, 2006:
好斗者 (haodouzhe) means 好斗的人 (haodou de ren).
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Jul 27, 2006:
"Haoyongdouhen de jiahuo" can be shortened to "haodou de ren (好斗者)."
Mavericker (X) (asker) Jul 20, 2006:
Questions to Pkchan Hello Pkchan. I appreciate your help, but I am a bit confused. Are those terms you posted at my "tough female" questoin used also for males:
大家姐Da Jia Jie,大姐大Da Jie Da,女坐館Nu Zuo Guan, etc.?

If you're referring to the adjective you posted, "Prone to fighting", that wasn't answering the question.
Mavericker (X) (asker) Jul 20, 2006:
Response to Pkchan Hello, Pkchan. I didn't grade the other question yet, because I was still waiting for more responses, and I'm still waiting to hear from Angus Woo. I don't want to grae the question too prematurely.
pkchan Jul 19, 2006:
Please check off the one that you post on June 19 first before you ask for more. Thanks.
pkchan Jul 19, 2006:
This has been asked before under "tough female" and I have already given you the answer. Very unfortunately, you never respond to our suggestions. I am afraid you need to remind yourself from time to time.

Proposed translations


haoyongdouhen de jiahuo


This kind of guys tend to prove their low self-esteem with fighting.
Note from asker:
Hello. Is there a shorter way to say this term?
Hello Wenjer. As a favor to me, could you please translate the comments PKchan posted? thanks.
Hello, Wenjer Leuschel. Is there a shorter way to say 好勇鬥狠的傢伙, or haoyongdouhen de jiahuo? Please let me know. Thank you.
Peer comment(s):

agree pkchan : 好像已有人問過
agree Sharlene
agree Naikei Wong
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."

打手 (dashou)

hired roughneck
hatchet man
Something went wrong...



Note added at 2 days22 hrs (2006-07-21 22:02:30 GMT)

Note from asker:
Hello, clearwater. Is there a shorter way to say this term?
Hi, clearwater. What are the correct pinyin tranlsations for 生性好斗的家伙 and 好斗分子? PLease let me know. Thank you.
Peer comment(s):

agree Chinoise
1天 22小时
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