The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English英语译成Chinese汉语 成语/格言/熟语 Translation Glossary

English英语 term Chinese汉语 translation
a loose cannon 捉摸不透
a soft touch 一个软心肠的人
anemic translations 缺乏造血能力的翻译
ankle biter; rug rat 跟腿的小小孩
asymptotically 极力渐近
bolshie 蓄意不合作的,不灵活的,固执的
common as muck FYI: 非常普通的
disparate stages 截然不同的阶段
epiphany 灵光一现
fed up 受够了
filthy rich 一身铜臭味
fun and mystifying thing 既有趣又令人迷惑的事
gas-guzzler; gas-guzzling 油老虎
greens 青菜,蔬菜
Happy Easter 复活节快乐
He who believes to be something has stopped to become something. 自命不凡者止于平凡
Hip, hip hooray! 欢呼声(例:嘿,嘿,万岁!)
hone 磨利
in as many days 在同样天数(/时间)内
ineffable 无以形容
knackered 精疲力尽 (Exhausted/worn out. Coming from "knackers yard", where horses go at the end of their days.
let one's hair down 放松, 不拘束, 不戒备(具体怎么翻,要看文章具体语境。)
Make the Call 你做主吧!
no obligation advice 義務忠告
obnoxious text basher 令人不舒服的文字砍手儿
obscure conjugations 细微难辨的词形变化
philias and phobias 好恶
picking one's brains 借腦子用用 / 分享吓心得
poppet/sweetie 宝宝,宝贝
prescribed identity 规定了的身份
season's greetings 节日的问候
shonky 诡异(可疑)的
Skite! Skite! Your pants are too tight! 吹牛!
sprog [英俚]小孩儿,=child
Supposed Confucious quotes 据传为恐夫子言论
the four horses of the apocalypse war, famine, pestilence and death => traditional scourges of mankind
The Three Obediences and Four Virtues 三從四德
the world at large 世间万物
Though this be madness, yet there is method in it 这些虽然是疯话,却有深意在内。
throw out the baby with the bath water 把孩子连同洗澡水一起泼掉
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