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Search results: (1039 matches)
Lighter side of trans/interp Research during power outages Excellent ;-) Lori Cirefice Sep 17, 2013
Translation Theory and Practice Translating a text written by a non-native speaker Group the queries together Try to send a single list of queries per day (or
whatever interval seems appropriate considering
the volume of the project), don't send multiple
queries in separate emails as you go along.
Lori Cirefice Sep 12, 2013
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Proofreading XML document Alignment I think you need to align the two files first, in
order to create the TM. LF Aligner was recently
recommended to me here on these forums, but I
haven't had an opportunity to try it yet. I<
Lori Cirefice Sep 12, 2013
Wordfast support Handling TTX in WFP Thanks! Thanks! Lori Cirefice Sep 3, 2013
Wordfast support Handling TTX in WFP I don't have any files to test yet At this point, the customer just wants to know if
I *can* process them or not. Customer knows I only
work with WFP and WFC. I replied yes, and that we
should do a test to make sure it work
Lori Cirefice Sep 3, 2013
Wordfast support Handling TTX in WFP I have a customer that wants me to translate some
TTX files, can anyone confirm if this link with
instructions is still up to date? I currently have
WFP 3.1.5, I was waiting for some bugs
Lori Cirefice Sep 3, 2013
French Questions sur les régimes AE et libéral en France Réel simplifié Il n'y a pas lieu de faire une distinction entre
bénéfice et revenus pour le réel simplifié
BNC. Je crois que tu mélanges avec les sociétés
(SARL etc). Pour simplifier le concept
Lori Cirefice Sep 2, 2013
French Questions sur les régimes AE et libéral en France Il y a eu des discussions à ce sujet avant... Comme ici :
%A9.html Attention - le % pour le régime AE a
changé depuis la di
Lori Cirefice Sep 2, 2013
Windows operating systems Help requested in respect of display problem with Windows XP Only in Word? Are the problems only present in Word? I would
suggest deleting to see if that helps.
Google should have more advice on how to do that.
Lori Cirefice Aug 28, 2013
French Comment installer PlusTools sur Word 2010 This might help
Lori Cirefice Aug 23, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you manage your translation tasks when you have more than one with the same delivery date? Several smaller projects I tend to take on smaller projects, and often have
more than one deadline per day, usually all
deadlines fall on EOB. I usually do the first
draft for one, then the first draft for the
Lori Cirefice Aug 20, 2013
Wordfast support Wf Classic does not drop 100% matches when target segment is not empty. Shortcut I am not 100% sure about the shortcut to insert a
different match when you have a red box, it might
be ALT+right/left arrows, that should toggle you
to the other match. Check the manual if
Lori Cirefice Aug 14, 2013
Wordfast support Where can I download WFP??? It's working now But it wasn't when I tried earlier this afternoon! Lori Cirefice Aug 5, 2013
Money matters VAT number There have been many threads on this same subject Try a forum search, I think this has been
discussed very recently as well, but the issue
dates back a while - 2 years or more?
Lori Cirefice Aug 5, 2013
Wordfast support Where can I download WFP??? maintenance taking longer than expected? Maybe post a message here, someone might be able
to help you
message/10972 From: Yves Champollion Sent:
Saturday, August 03, 20
Lori Cirefice Aug 5, 2013
Wordfast support Segmentation in WF Classic Hard returns, punctuation, OCR? If the + button isn't working, try clicking the
"show formatting" button in word (looks like a
paragraph mark). See what symbol is between the
two parts you are trying to combine into a si
Lori Cirefice Jul 19, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t undo icon Perfect! I knew it had to be easy, I just didn't know where
to look :-) Thank you very much!

at 2013-07-19 15:05 GMT]
Lori Cirefice Jul 19, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t undo icon Hello, This is a minor annoyance... maybe
someone knows how to fix it! In Word 2007/WFC
6.03t - the "autotranslate while 100% match" icon
(a blue arrow) is the exact same icon as the
Lori Cirefice Jul 19, 2013
Wordfast support Wordfast Classic: keyboard shortcuts messed up Some thoughts I wish I had something more constructive to help
you... I hope you are able to work on another
computer in the meantime? The fact that this
issue is cropping up in more than one version
Lori Cirefice Jul 19, 2013
Business issues Job with insanely tight deadlines - feedback needed Exactly [quote]Kevin Fulton wrote: However, this does
not account for power failures, sick babies,
troubled relatives, doctor's appointments, etc.
Although I can translate much more...
Lori Cirefice Jul 5, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Best way to align a multilingual file? How it turned out Thanks again everyone, I will definitely check out
LF Aligner in the future. So here is what I
ended up doing... manually deleted all but 1
language from the OCR'd file x 5 so I ended u
Lori Cirefice Jul 5, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Can you focus on your work when other people (friends, family, etc) are around? I need silence Over here, productivity is entirely dependent on
that can't-live-without-translation-tool... the
lock on my office door! Before my daughter
started walking, I used to be able to work wi
Lori Cirefice Jul 1, 2013
Office applications MS Word 2007 - Spelling Check doesn't seem to work as it should Yes Go to word options menu, then "vérification" (3rd
option in the menu) and uncheck "ignore
capitalized words"
Lori Cirefice Jun 12, 2013
Interpreting France's Hollande calls Japan 'China', interpreter saves day I see what you mean... [quote]Sarai Pahla wrote: ... and the culture
of Japan itself and how mistakes are handled, I
think it is probably better that the interpreter
made a judgement call in this case and cor
Lori Cirefice Jun 11, 2013
Wordfast support How to see TM difference in WFP Perform TM lookup automatically [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Also, the TM
Lookup only works on demand, and I was hoping for
something that stays open all the time, as it does
in WFC. [/quote] Edit - Preferen
Lori Cirefice Jun 7, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Best way to align a multilingual file? Columns Thanks Paul for your detailed suggestions - I
don't work with Studio but you gave me a good
idea. I hadn't considered just "hiding" the
various languages - I was thinking about
Lori Cirefice Jun 7, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Best way to align a multilingual file? A single file The file I want to align is a single, dead pdf
file with all 5 languages. Each page has all 5
languages, for example page 1 is the company
presentation in 5 languages, page 2 is about thei
Lori Cirefice Jun 7, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Best way to align a multilingual file? I have a brochure with text in 5 five different
languages (English + 4), now the original English
source has been updated, and all 4 translations
need to be updated accordingly. Much of th
Lori Cirefice Jun 7, 2013
Wordfast support How to see TM difference in WFP in the TM lookup pane? Not entirely sure, but it seems like those yellow
highlights show up in the TM lookup pane?
Lori Cirefice Jun 6, 2013
Office applications How to insert line break in Excel cells? For future reference... 1) On your clean Word file, Find and Replace
^l with XCXCXC (or any other strange string of
letters). 2) Now copy the text from Word and
paste in Excel. Make sure you still have th
Lori Cirefice May 29, 2013
Professional development How to avoid careless mistakes? I have several strategies The main one is to allow enough time for a final
read AFTER a break, ideally the next day.
Sometimes I read it out loud to myself. I
usually do my final check on printed paper, it's
Lori Cirefice May 29, 2013
Office applications How to convert text into external tags in MS Word Do you use a CAT tool? It would help to know what you're planning on
doing after separating the translatable from
un-translatable (ie: processing in a CAT tool,
which one?) If the text you want as
Lori Cirefice May 24, 2013
Lighter side of trans/interp 16 Words We Don't Have In English nice! I needed a short distraction :-) Lori Cirefice May 24, 2013
French Comment gérez-vous les surcharges de travail ? Non J'utilise le mot "non" sans hésitation ! Quand je
ne peux pas prendre un projet, et le délai ne
peut être négocié, je dis non tout simplement.
Mes clients sont des agences, et ils rev
Lori Cirefice May 20, 2013
Lighter side of trans/interp Grumpy legal translator ToS Love it! That was a really fun read - thank you! Lori Cirefice May 17, 2013
KudoZ Context vs confidentiality To get around this issue... I have a few strategies: - Post context that is
similar to your context, but not from your actual
text - get the context from somewhere else
(google, or just make it up!) - Give only
Lori Cirefice May 5, 2013
Money matters How to charge a client who cancels a project halfway through? For a regular client I would charge for 1000 words, and enjoy the
Lori Cirefice Mar 22, 2013
French Encore une question sur le régime AE effectivement [quote]Andrea Jarmuschewski wrote: Cela a
changé, Lori, c'est 21,30 % depuis 2013.
[/quote] Je n'ai plus suivi l'actualité depuis
ma sortie du dispositif !
Lori Cirefice Mar 12, 2013
French Encore une question sur le régime AE AE [quote]Carolyn Brice wrote: Quel est le
pourcentage approximatif du CA qui part en charges
sociales et fiscales? Je vois que certains ont
déja parlé de plus de la moitié du CA! C
Lori Cirefice Mar 12, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t placeables lose formatting what I meant [quote]Dominique Pivard wrote: The old-style
PB commands about placeables were never supposed
to "retain formatting" (whatever you mean by
that),[/quote] I meant things like color,
Lori Cirefice Mar 7, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t placeables lose formatting Thanks [quote]Dominique Pivard wrote: Yes, typing in
the first letter of a word and pressing the tab
key to expand it is one (new) way of doing things.
[/quote] I still can't get this to
Lori Cirefice Mar 7, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t placeables lose formatting Also Would a kind soul please explain the "new" ways of
handling placeables (I recently upgraded from
5.52), I have figured out what the tab key does,
but I thought I read somewhere that you co
Lori Cirefice Mar 5, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t placeables lose formatting After activating a few PB commands related to
placeables, firstcap and placeableplusspace,
placeables no longer retain formatting. How
annoying... Deactivating those commands doesn't
Lori Cirefice Mar 5, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t can't add terms to gloss? Old and new Yes, I just made the leap from ancient 5.52 to
6.03, it was somewhat unplanned! I thought I had
my trusty 5.52 .dot somewhere on my backup drive,
but somehow it wasn't there (probably beca
Lori Cirefice Feb 26, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t can't add terms to gloss? Issue solved Thanks for giving me a smile Dominique and your
quick reply, unfortunately ZZ Top did not save
this day this time... I tried that first and it
didn't work :-) Reading through some other
Lori Cirefice Feb 26, 2013
Wordfast support WFC 6.03t can't add terms to gloss? CTRL+ALT+T is not working here! This is my 2nd day
on my new setup, Windows 8, Word 2007, WFC 6.03t.
The key combination brings up the proper menu to
add terms to the glossary, I verified
Lori Cirefice Feb 26, 2013
General technical issues Ctrl+Alt+Arrow turns screen thanks :-) Just encountered this issue on my new laptop - it
was easily solved by right-clicking on the desktop
- phew!!
Lori Cirefice Feb 25, 2013
KudoZ Closing a question without grading - "no answer received here was helpful" ? Same here [quote]Mikhail Kropotov wrote: I took offense
to this recently, thinking that last part was the
asker's customized note to all the answerers.
Lori Cirefice Feb 20, 2013
French URGENT: Inscription comme Traductrice Freelance a l'URSSAF N° français Bonjour, Je pense qu'il faut avoir un N° de
sécurité sociale français - quand on travaille
en France, c'est nécessaire, pour que les
cotisations soient attribuées au bon endroit,
Lori Cirefice Jan 31, 2013
French Évoluer à partir du statut d’auto-entrepreneur qui tente rien... [quote]Polymnie wrote: Lori, tu as vraiment de
la chance. Je t’avoue que j’aurais bien aimé
qu’on soit aussi compréhensif à mon égard.
Cela dit, c’est assez dingue ce que tu
Lori Cirefice Jan 29, 2013



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