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English英语译成Chinese汉语 历史 Translation Glossary

English英语 term Chinese汉语 translation
Netsilik 耐特斯里克
On a lighter note 换个轻松话题
opium derivatives 鸦片衍生物
Period of Disunity 割据时代 or 分裂时期
produce (here) 塑造
Protoclassic Period 前古典时期
sales counters 收银台
Salvation rests on a life as little physical, as much spiritual, as possible. 救赎之道在于尽可能降低物质生活、尽可能扩大精神生活。
Sentence 柏拉图的《理想国》之所以魅惑人心,这并不难解释。
situ junyi yuan 司徒军议掾
sometime rather against the grain 有时也勉为其难
terminated without prejudice 正常解聘
that is clearly not himself 有时确是事非由人
The Narcotics Addict Rehabilitation Act 药瘾者康复法案
the spearhead of good 善之先锋
the way these ideas are reduced to the daily round of conventional life 这些思想融入到日常普通生活的过程和方式中
the Women's State Temperance Society of New York 纽约州妇女禁酒协会
their root word for private has come to be our word idiot 他们的“私自”一词的字根成了我们的“蠢蛋”这个词
Theodor Aschenbrandt 特奥多尔 · 阿申勃兰特
Transubstantiation 化体说
various provisions for eugenic improvement of the stock of his guardians 优化其守护者之族裔的种种措施
what the Athenians were up against in Socrates 苏格拉底让雅典人恼火之处
Whether ... is a question impossible to answer. 是否...是一个无法回答的问题。
Wit, Device and Initiate 俏皮、修辞技巧与知情者
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