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What's with the Chinese grammar questions in KudoZ?
论题张贴者: Terry Thatcher Waltz, Ph.D.
Golden View
Golden View  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:43
+ ...
愿打愿挨 Jul 6, 2003

回答Kudoz问题应该是完全自愿的事情,不应期待得到Kudoz Points。

As I know simply no way to stop anyone to post 'too simple' Kudoz questions, I choose to ignore them - by screening them out to receive 'pro' level Kudoz questions only.

Help to answer questions and earn Kudoz points always makes me happy, or even no points granted, I learn something new from other Kudoz answers.

A word to Xiaoping:

I don't see making money b
... See more
回答Kudoz问题应该是完全自愿的事情,不应期待得到Kudoz Points。

As I know simply no way to stop anyone to post 'too simple' Kudoz questions, I choose to ignore them - by screening them out to receive 'pro' level Kudoz questions only.

Help to answer questions and earn Kudoz points always makes me happy, or even no points granted, I learn something new from other Kudoz answers.

A word to Xiaoping:

I don't see making money by translating has anything wrong.

Golden View
Golden View  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:43
+ ...
尊重发表意见的权利 Jul 6, 2003



My early posted 'Internet Spirit' means the same.
Just a clarification again: I dis-agree with Summit's 'bias' posting, but he has the right to say.


Terry Thatcher Waltz, Ph.D.
Terry Thatcher Waltz, Ph.D.  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:43
+ ...
The other direction, I think... Jul 6, 2003

Yongmei Liu, Mr. wrote:
I thought Kevin Yang was the moderator...
Terry L. Thatcher, Ph.D. wrote:

I am the moderator for Chinese>English ...


I think Kevin is English>Chinese...?? Anyway, I was not aware I had mod privileges for the forum, but it seems that I have, judging from the buttons on the screen. Surprises never cease.

However, if you look at the link at the bottom of Chinese>English KudoZ questions, you will see me as the moderator, and as such I'm supposed to "keep an eye" on things, I guess.

Questions that are not going to yield a simple translation or, ideally, a single term are not KudoZ type questions, and should be posted to the forum, here. Surely they will receive as many answers, and will not clog up the KudoZ system.

Xiaoping Fu
Xiaoping Fu  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:43
+ ...
“专业翻译”和“靠翻译赚钱” Jul 6, 2003

Golden View wrote:
回答Kudoz问题应该是完全自愿的事情,不应期待得到Kudoz Points。

我回答 Kudoz 问题,是出于自愿。但自愿是有条件的,一是互助互惠,二是相互尊重。我期待得到 points,就象为别人指路,期待有一声“谢谢”。这是一份对人的尊重,对劳动和知识的尊重。
但我们不会计较自己是否得到 points,事实上,常常有人在points 已经给出之后,继续提供意见。这是Kudoz最可贵的地方。

Internet是个自由的世界,但不是“森林”。尤其是专业人士的网上社区,有规则、有伦理、有文化,或者象您说的,有“精神”。但我认为,Kudoz 的精神,不是“愿打愿挨”。提问者不是周瑜,他们除了求知和以文会友,没有隐藏的图谋;答问者也不是黄盖,没有任何理由受人鞭挞!我们自愿互助,但不能容忍不尊重人的行为,不能容忍被愚弄。我们不计较点数,但不是全无计较。我们计较态度、计较诚信、计较尊重。这与“愿打愿挨”相去何止万里!

A word to Xiaoping:

I don't see making money by translating has anything wrong.


看来您没看懂我提“赚钱”的意思,那我再说明白点。我说他们“靠翻译赚钱”,是想说他们是专业翻译,但不想用“专业”这个词,因为他们不专业。专业翻译当然靠翻译赚钱,但不仅如此。专业人士应该有专业精神,必须懂得尊重和诚信的道理,这是底线。以翻译为业,当然知道自己的时间、经验和劳动的价值,当以此心推及他人。自己即为专业人士,提出问题之前一定先做过研究,得不到答案,或答案不确定,才请求帮助,所以一定知道那个问题的难度和需要付出的劳动。这是专业人员应有的良知。真正的专业人士,在请求同行帮助时,都会心存谢忱,同时准备在可能时向别人伸出援手。可是有的人,明明是专业翻译,却以匿名面目出现,这不是专业的做法。整段技术文章裁成片断,要求全文翻译,也显得过分。许多同行提供了很好的专业意见,此人却只是草草选几个答案,一律授予 1 point,有些问题甚至根本不选答案。我不知道其他同行对此做何感想,我觉得他的做法透露的是一种轻蔑。还有 Yongmei Liu 指出的那些现象,不管别人怎么看,我是不会再为此类人物提供任何服务。他们不是真正的专业人员,他们只是“靠翻译赚钱”的人。

[Edited at 2003-07-06 07:35]

chance (X)
chance (X)
+ ...
完全同意晓平的看法 Jul 6, 2003

Xiaoping Fu wrote:

我回答 Kudoz 问题,是出于自愿。但自愿是有条件的,一是互助互惠,二是相互尊重。我期待得到 points,就象为别人指路,期待有一声“谢谢”。这是一份对人的尊重,对劳动和知识的尊重。
但我们不会计较自己是否得到 points,事实上,常常有人在points 已经给出之后,继续提供意见。这是Kudoz最可贵的地方。

Internet是个自由的世界,但不是“森林”。尤其是专业人士的网上社区,有规则、有伦理、有文化,或者象您说的,有“精神”。但我认为,Kudoz 的精神,不是“愿打愿挨”。提问者不是周瑜,他们除了求知和以文会友,没有隐藏的图谋;答问者也不是黄盖,没有任何理由受人鞭挞!我们自愿互助,但不能容忍不尊重人的行为,不能容忍被愚弄。我们不计较点数,但不是全无计较。我们计较态度、计较诚信、计较尊重。这与“愿打愿挨”相去何止万里!

专业翻译当然靠翻译赚钱,但不仅如此。专业人士应该有专业精神,必须懂得尊重和诚信的道理,这是底线。以翻译为业,当然知道自己的时间、经验和劳动的价值,当以此心推及他人。自己即为专业人士,提出问题之前一定先做过研究,得不到答案,或答案不确定,才请求帮助,所以一定知道那个问题的难度和需要付出的劳动。这是专业人员应有的良知。真正的专业人士,在请求同行帮助时,都会心存谢忱,同时准备在可能时向别人伸出援手。可是有的人,明明是专业翻译,却以匿名面目出现,这不是专业的做法。整段技术文章裁成片断,要求全文翻译,也显得过分。许多同行提供了很好的专业意见,此人却只是草草选几个答案,一律授予 1 point,有些问题甚至根本不选答案。我不知道其他同行对此做何感想,我觉得他的做法透露的是一种轻蔑。还有 Yongmei Liu 指出的那些现象,不管别人怎么看,我是不会再为此类人物提供任何服务。他们不是真正的专业人员,他们只是“靠翻译赚钱”的人。

[Edited at 2003-07-06 07:35]

Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:43
正式会员 (自2003)
+ ...
Terry's concern has merits and serves as a good reminder. Jul 7, 2003

Helle, Terry and Everyone,

You are having a party here! It has been a while since last time I saw you coming out to talk about issues and offering opinions, I bet it must be the SARS that played a role. What a wonderful feeling to see you all are here.

I took time and read all of your messages posted in this folder. I think this is wonderful that you can state what you believe. I want you to keep doing it. I also encourage you to read other people’s messages carefully
... See more
Helle, Terry and Everyone,

You are having a party here! It has been a while since last time I saw you coming out to talk about issues and offering opinions, I bet it must be the SARS that played a role. What a wonderful feeling to see you all are here.

I took time and read all of your messages posted in this folder. I think this is wonderful that you can state what you believe. I want you to keep doing it. I also encourage you to read other people’s messages carefully. By doing so, we all can learn and bring our understanding to a higher level and find a better solution to the problems.

Here is what I think. ProZ.com designed its Glossary system in a way that translator can look for the translation they need by searching the KudoZ database, which is built by all of us by answering KudoZ questions and selecting the final answer. Before asking a KudoZ question, a translator should do an initial search in the KudoZ database and see if it has already been asked. However, we often see the same question can come up again due to the laziness or poor understanding of how to interact with the system. Such initial search can also be failed or fruitless if the KudoZ question was not raised or entered properly. For example, the KudoZ question is a long sentence, jammed with more than one entry in one question, a grammar question, or the opinion-seeking question. Such type questions will certainly mess up the Kudoz system that we all are trying to build and maintain here.

I think the second fold of this matter is that the rules on the types of KudoZ questions can be asked is very general. There is definitely a need to be more specific. I just checked
the "Ask Question" section at ProZ.com, this is what I found and no wonder the askers seems a bit confused:

"What constitutes a 'proper' KudoZ question?

Each KudoZ question should include a single term, phrase or sentence of
up to 10 words. Context must be included--the more the better! In cases
where there is no immediate context, description of the nature of the
overall document or situation should be given.

Beyond that, askers should exercise good judgment. Since a single KudoZ
question may be sent to as many as 1000 professionals, it is considered
polite to consult dictionaries, the ProZ.com glossaries, etc., before
asking a question. Furthermore, questions that are of an adult nature,
are offensive, or are otherwise inappropriate should not be posted.
These will be removed by site moderators, and the right of the asker to
use the system in the future may be revoked."

Terry’s concern has merits and serves as a good reminder to all of us that it is everyone’s responsibility to maintain and keep the KudoZ running the way it is designed. I do not see her message containing anything political. I will support Terry to play a “tougher” role in future to squash the KudoZ question that is not complying with the rules. By the way, I am authorized with such job function. I will do my part in maintaining that area, too.

I have a soft spot in my heart to help Chinese learners, but not so much to the e-lovers. I do agree with you that we should guide them to the Chinese Forum. I think the Forum should work perfectly well if we have an E-LOVER folder where all the e-lovers can find all the words and expression that they need to express their momentary gender-specific or ambiguous “virtual feelings”.

There is no censorship at the Chinese Forum. However, a random checking is applied from time to time. Regulatory right is reserved. You should feel free to interact and behave in this arena, and enjoy yourself as long as you can comply with the rules and regulations here. As you can see, I have never, ever exercised my authority yet to delete anyone’s message posted in the Chinese Forum regardless if I agree with this person or not. I am much a bigger person in this regard and you have to give me some credits on that.

Yongmei Liu was asking about the two moderators. Well, both Terry and I are moderators appointed by ProZ.com. I was assigned to host and manage the Chinese Forum, so my name appears next to the Chinese Forum. Terry was assigned to manage the KudoZ questions, therefore her name is listed as Chinese>English Moderator by clicking on "Moderator(s) for the Chines>English Language Pair" under each KudoZ question. We both can access the same adminitative controls at ProZ.com.



[Edited at 2003-07-19 08:57]

Yongmei Liu
Yongmei Liu  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:43
+ ...
Sometimes it takes hours for a post to be approved Jul 7, 2003

Kevin Yang wrote:

There is no censorship at the Chinese Forum. However, a random checking is applied from time to time. Regulatory right is reserved. You should feel free to interact and behave in this arena, and enjoy yourself as long as you can comply with the rules and regulations here. As you can see, I have never, ever exercised my authority yet to delete anyone’s message posted in the Chinese Forum regardless if I agree with this person or not. I am much a bigger person in this regard and you have to give me some credits on that.

[Edited at 2003-07-07 00:51]

No wonder people like to post at the Proz section.

Local time: 13:43
+ ...
值得某些网友引以为戒。。。 Jul 7, 2003

Xiaoping Fu wrote:


看来您没看懂我提“赚钱”的意思,那我再说明白点。我说他们“靠翻译赚钱”,是想说他们是专业翻译,但不想用“专业”这个词,因为他们不专业。专业翻译当然靠翻译赚钱,但不仅如此。专业人士应该有专业精神,必须懂得尊重和诚信的道理,这是底线。以翻译为业,当然知道自己的时间、经验和劳动的价值,当以此心推及他人。自己即为专业人士,提出问题之前一定先做过研究,得不到答案,或答案不确定,才请求帮助,所以一定知道那个问题的难度和需要付出的劳动。这是专业人员应有的良知。真正的专业人士,在请求同行帮助时,都会心存谢忱,同时准备在可能时向别人伸出援手。可是有的人,明明是专业翻译,却以匿名面目出现,这不是专业的做法。整段技术文章裁成片断,要求全文翻译,也显得过分。许多同行提供了很好的专业意见,此人却只是草草选几个答案,一律授予 1 point,有些问题甚至根本不选答案。我不知道其他同行对此做何感想,我觉得他的做法透露的是一种轻蔑。还有 Yongmei Liu 指出的那些现象,不管别人怎么看,我是不会再为此类人物提供任何服务。他们不是真正的专业人员,他们只是“靠翻译赚钱”的人。

[Edited at 2003-07-06 07:35]


Golden View
Golden View  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:43
+ ...
I agree with XiaoPing Jul 15, 2003

At Kudoz, it's easy to judge what kind of people we should help, or never again.

About earning via/from translation, I think you spoke what I wanted to say.

[Edited at 2003-07-15 07:21]

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:43
+ ...
说得好 Jul 19, 2003

[quote]Xiaoping Fu wrote:


Chinoise  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:43
+ ...
完全支持以上几位的讨论! Jul 22, 2003

Zhoudan wrote:


[Edited at 2003-07-22 00:07]

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What's with the Chinese grammar questions in KudoZ?

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