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Search results: (186 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a private pension plan? Yes I started my private pension plan almost three
years ago. It was one of my first steps when I
started to earn enough money to afford it. Even my
boyfriend who works as employee has a priva
Inga Jakobi Nov 30, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you charge for translations under 250 words? Per hour/my minimum fee I am charging one hour for all jobs that would -
based on the wordcount - not amount to my hourly
rate. But I have also set my hourly rate as
minimum fee. Sometimes, make excpetions, but
Inga Jakobi Nov 25, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: "Translations can only be as good as the source text." It depends This poll came to my mind after having dealt with
some texts in all my three source languages that
were not very well written. Depending on the
problems in the source text, it is easy to i
Inga Jakobi Nov 24, 2010
German Software für Datensicherung/Backup Vielen Dank Hallo zusammen, wow, da sind ja schon einige
Tipps zusammengekommen. Vielen, vielen Dank schon
einmal zwischendurch, ich werde mir das alles in
Ruhe anschauen und überlegen, was mir am
Inga Jakobi Mar 22, 2010
German Software für Datensicherung/Backup Hallo zusammen, um endlich mal Kontinuität in
meine Datensicherung zu bringen, möchte ich mir
gerne eine externe Festplatte bzw. ein
NAS-Laufwerk zulegen. Nun frage ich mich, welche
Inga Jakobi Mar 19, 2010
German Keine Rückmeldung nach Versehen Abwarten... Ich würde an Deiner Stelle erst noch ein bisschen
abwarten und dann noch einmal nachfragen. In
vielen Agenturen ist glaube ich chronisch der Bär
los und nicht jede E-Mail wird sofort bea
Inga Jakobi Feb 9, 2010
German Weiterbildung zum Technischen Autor Hallo zusammen, ich spiele schon seit längerem
mit dem Gedanken, eine Weiterbildung zum
Technischen Autor zu machen, bin mir aber nicht
ganz sicher, ob sich die Investition wirklich
Inga Jakobi Nov 16, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: What are your professional plans for 2010? Other/combination - get more clients - upgrade my CAT tool -
participate in a Trados training - start
specialising in a new field (medicine) - learn
about DTP programs
Inga Jakobi Nov 16, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever advised anyone on how not to commit a cultural "faux pas"? "deportieren" in German Just the day before yesterday, a Croation friend
asked another (Turkish) friend of mine in German,
if he will be deported (German: deportiert), if he
had no success with all the paperwork
Inga Jakobi Aug 4, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you set short/long-term goals in your profession? Both Very interesting topic! Especially as you think
about your goals concretely and it feels good to
put them down in words :-) Here are mine: Short
term: get over the crisis, find more cli
Inga Jakobi Jul 22, 2009
German Rentenvorsorge Künstlersozialkasse Also ich wollte der KSK auch beitreten, wurde aber
leider nicht akzeptiert. Man muss dort nachweisen,
dass man nicht nur "vor sich hin" übersetzt,
sondern ein gewisser Prozentsatz der
Inga Jakobi Jul 15, 2009
German Rentenvorsorge Kombinierte Renten-/Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung Ich habe gleich am Anfang meiner freiberuflichen
Tätigkeit eine private Rentenversicherung
abgeschlossen, die mit einer
Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung kombiniert ist.
Das ist, glaube
Inga Jakobi Jul 15, 2009
German Techn. Fachsprache Deutsch/Schweizerdeutsch Vielen Dank für den WB-Tipp Guten morgen, vielen Dank für den Tipp mit dem
Wörterbuch, Oliver, das wusste ich noch nicht.
Ich gehe schon davon aus, dass die Schweizer
deutsche Fachbücher ohne Probleme verstehen
Inga Jakobi Jul 8, 2009
German Techn. Fachsprache Deutsch/Schweizerdeutsch Liebe Kollegen, aktuell beschäftigt mich die
Frage, inwiefern es Unterschiede zwischen der
deutschen technischen Fachsprache und der
schweizerdeutschen technischen Fachsprache gibt.
Inga Jakobi Jul 7, 2009
Getting established How to develop a beginner translator Linguistic skills, software skills, business skills ... Dear Ahmed, this is a very complex subject and
I can only give you some of my thoughts as I have
also only been working as a freelancer for 2-3
years now and because there are so many
Inga Jakobi Jun 29, 2009
Trados support Translating Word with Tag Editor TagEditor for word files with complex formatting Hi, I actually prefer the word environment, but
(like Helen) I choose TagEditor for word files
that contain many text boxes, tables, enumerations
etc. just because complex formatting ca
Inga Jakobi Jun 29, 2009
German Hamburg: Junge Kollegen für Übersetzer-Team gesucht Eng/Chs/Fra-Deu Hallo, [quote]Laurawue - wrote: für welche
Sprachenpaare suchen Sie denn "JUNGE"
Kollegen? [/quote] Ich suche Kollegen in
meinen Sprachrichtungen, also
Inga Jakobi Jun 4, 2009
German Hamburg: Junge Kollegen für Übersetzer-Team gesucht Hallo zusammen, ich suche ein paar junge
Übersetzer-Kollegen (ca. zw. 26 und 30 J.) in
Hamburg, die Lust haben ein Team zu bilden. Meine
Ziele dabei sind: - Zusammenarbeit bei
Inga Jakobi May 26, 2009
German Welcher Titel für Studenten, der sich bereits selbstständig macht? Einfach Übersetzer Hi Forest, [quote]Forest wrote: Letzten
Endes dürfte ein Übersetzer im Studium aber
einem Übersetzer ohne Studium vorzuziehen sein,
möchte ich mal behaupten, auch wenn ich noch
Inga Jakobi Jun 27, 2007
Off topic German radio stations SWR3 Hi Yolanda, swr3 ist my favourite one, they
have good music, interesting reports and some
funny comedy. Cheers, Inga
Inga Jakobi Jun 21, 2007
German Gefährliches Hobby :-D Ich habe den Text zwar noch nicht auf der Homepage
gefunden, das klingt aber schonmal wieder
äußerst amüsant!!!! Und einen pädagogischen
Wert hat es auch noch, ich wusste nämlich bish
Inga Jakobi Jun 9, 2007
Trados support Unable to clean up files in Trados 2007 and Word 2007 Unable to clean up files in Trados 2007 and Word 2007 Hi there, I am using Trados 2007 and Office 2007.
Although it is quite slow, translation in Word
works fine, but I am unable to clean up the
translated files. I only receive the bilingual
Inga Jakobi Jun 1, 2007
Trados support Multiterm 2007: How to create mtf, mdf, iwf, iix, tmw and txt They meant TM... Dear Vito, thanks very much for your commnet.
They sent as usual TM and MT, but only wanted the
TM back, not the Multiterm files. I just mixed it
up because I never paid attention to the<
Inga Jakobi May 21, 2007
Trados support Multiterm 2007: How to create mtf, mdf, iwf, iix, tmw and txt Great Idea! Dear Phillipe, that's definitely a great idea!
I don't know why I was convinced that they meant
the MT files (and to be honest, I didn't know the
extensions of the TM files), but this d
Inga Jakobi May 21, 2007
Trados support Multiterm 2007: How to create mtf, mdf, iwf, iix, tmw and txt Multiterm 2007: How to create mtf, mdf, iwf, iix, tmw and txt Hi everybody, this might have been discussed
before and it might be explained in the Multiterm
User Guide (which I searched without any result),
but it is quite urgent. I received a Termb
Inga Jakobi May 21, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you give pet names to your computers or other inanimate objects? I don't name anything Hi, first of all: Thank you very much for this
poll, Nicole, I really enjoyed all the comments so
far :) I must confess that I never thought of
giving unanimated objects names - at
Inga Jakobi May 4, 2007
German One more entertaining website (in German) Obvious that they used MT [quote]dougitman wrote: translations are done
[/quote] It was absolutely clear, that they
used machine translation. But it is just sooooooo
Inga Jakobi May 4, 2007
German OT: Frische Luft gefällig ;-) das ist ein Brüller... Immer wieder erfrischend Danke, danke, danke! Das ist echt ein Brüller :D
Genau richtig, um den Feierabend gut gelaunt
einzuläuten.... Inga
Inga Jakobi May 1, 2007
German One more entertaining website (in German) Traurig, ist die Anmerkung Form diesmal geschlossen - my favourite I had to start a few times before I was able to
read this sentnce out loud to my boyfriend,
because I could not stop laughing. I *guess* it
means that the online form, where you can give
Inga Jakobi Apr 29, 2007
German One more entertaining website (in German) One more entertaining website (in German) Hi everybody,
/pilates-exercise.html I know that there are
dozens of threads about websites like this, but I
simply had to share i
Inga Jakobi Apr 29, 2007
Trados support Wenlin and Trados I don't think you can connect Wenlin and Trados Hi David, I use Wenlin, too. I usually open the
source in word, connect to Workbench and copy each
sentence to Wenlin. While checking the meaning of
the words in Wenlin, I type then in th
Inga Jakobi Apr 29, 2007 suggestions Can't we do anything about people not closing questions? I wouldn't ban them Hi Stuart, thank you very much for your
comment, IMO you pointed out a lot of good views
here. [quote]Stuart Allsop wrote: There
actually are a very few good reasons for NOT
Inga Jakobi Apr 24, 2007 suggestions Can't we do anything about people not closing questions? Auto-grading is fine, but how can askers simply forget Hi Nicholas, [quote]Nicholas Ferreira
wrote: But the auto-grade feature is already in
place, whereby an answer with 2+ agrees is
automatically selected after a period of time (2
Inga Jakobi Apr 23, 2007 suggestions Can't we do anything about people not closing questions? I didn't know there was a limit Dear Enrique, [quote]Enrique wrote: This
means that a site user who has 10 or more
questions that have valid answers and that have
been open for at least a week will not be able to
Inga Jakobi Apr 23, 2007 suggestions Can't we do anything about people not closing questions? Can't we do anything about people not closing questions? Hi, I know that some people may think this
suggestion could only be made by someone hunting
KudoZ-points, but this is not the case. I am
wondering if there wouldn't be any possibilty to
Inga Jakobi Apr 23, 2007
German Abschluss als staatl. geprüfter Übersetzer nach Studium? Englisch allein scheint auszureichen Hallo Carena, [quote]Carena
wrote: Stichwort: "Englisch kann doch fast
jeder" [/quote] Ich habe letzes Jahr mein
Studium als Übersetzerin für Chinesisch und
Inga Jakobi Apr 23, 2007
German Transit Sat-Probleme Pxf nur in Transit Hi Minna-Maarit, Deine erste Frage kann ich Dir
nicht beantworten, aber wenn Du eine Pxf hast, ist
das ja ein spezielles Transit-"Paket", das kannst
Du dann erst im Programm öffnen. (Z
Inga Jakobi Apr 17, 2007
Money matters Precis I suggext per hour Hi solovah, I haven't done such a job yet, but I
guess, charging per hour would be best. The rate
itself depends on you, I made up my hourly rate by
estimating how many words I can transl
Inga Jakobi Apr 17, 2007
German Deutsche Übersetzung von Windows Vista :-)) Vielen Dank für den Link! Dankeschön für den Link, habe den Artikel
durchgelesen und harre der Dinge, die Vista mir da
noch so bringen wird.... Aber da die neue
SDL-Version ja auch noch nicht wirklich läuft,
Inga Jakobi Apr 14, 2007
Off topic Why your :-) makes me :-( Anti-emoticon campaign launch :-O In the beginning I hated them When these little faces all of a sudden (to me at
least) showed up everywhere, I almost hated them.
I always wondered how grown up could use these
silly pictures or even only the combinati
Inga Jakobi Apr 13, 2007
Off topic How did you eat yours? I also didn't know what it is :-( I also didn't know what a cream egg was and
googled for some pictures. I think I could give it
a try and I find it fascinating that sweets we eat
from childhood on make up a part of our cu
Inga Jakobi Apr 13, 2007
Off topic What's your wallpaper? Mine used to be the Great Wall Great topic! My wallpaper used to be a pic of the
Chinese Great Wall, that I took when I first
visited China. At the moment - although I am still
wondering why - I am using one of the bor
Inga Jakobi Apr 11, 2007
Trados support Windows Vista, Trados 2007 and Office 2007 Trados 2006 also compatible with Vista Hi, Trados 2006 is also compatible with Vista, at
least I could install it and open TWB without
problems. the only thing is that it is not
compatible with Office 2007. Good night
Inga Jakobi Apr 8, 2007
Trados support Release date of SDL Trados 2007? I am using Trados 2007 + Office XP Hi, for the moment I installed the new trados on
my old notebook running Office XP, and there seem
to be no problem (but I only made a short test). I
cannot say anything about Office 200
Inga Jakobi Apr 6, 2007
Trados support Release date of SDL Trados 2007? I saw it too Hi Celine, I just checked my mails and started
the download immediately :D Have fun with the new
Inga Jakobi Apr 5, 2007
Trados support Release date of SDL Trados 2007? Trados-email saying it would be released this week Hi, after having written an email some time ago
to SDL asking about the release date and not
having received any reaction, I received an email
last saturday, stating that the upgrade wo
Inga Jakobi Apr 5, 2007
Trados support Tag verification in Trados tageditor not available Thank you very much! Dear Giles, thank you very much for your help!
I'll check the options you suggested and look, if
I can find anything! Cheers, Inga
Inga Jakobi Apr 3, 2007
Trados support Tag verification in Trados tageditor not available Settings are ok Dear Giles, thanks for your comment, but the
settings are all normal. Inga
Inga Jakobi Apr 3, 2007
Trados support Tag verification in Trados tageditor not available Tag verification in Trados tageditor not available Hi everybody, I got a problem with the Tag
verification in Trados Tageditor. I always used
it without any problems and could do the tag
verification and the spell check after
Inga Jakobi Apr 3, 2007
German Eigentor ? - Kann ich da noch was tun? Einen Versuch wäre es vielleicht wert Hallo Sybille, vielleicht wäre es möglich, dass
Du Deinem Kunden die Situation in Ruhe erklärst,
auch, wie Du auf deine Schätzung gekommen bist,
denn - wie Agenturen - sind sicher auc
Inga Jakobi Mar 30, 2007



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